Anne-Laure Druais


My practice navigates between the realms of commercial tableware and narrative art. I am presenting a collection of utilitarian objects, specifically a tea set, crafted over the last year. While this set can be perceived merely as handmade objects for daily use; my approach to ceramics is always rooted in their functionality, intertwined with the memories of my ancestors.

This particular set Bound by Salt evokes memories of my grandmother and the last afternoon tea we shared. During our ritualistic gathering I noticed she had inadvertently added salt to my tea, a sign of her early-stage Alzheimer’s.

The blue lines on the set symbolise the mangrove trees, particularly their roots as well as the blue lagoon where I spent my childhood with my grandma. The woven seaweed signifies the deep bound we shared, the salt that crystallised that moment eternally, and the sea that kept us apart for many years.

This work is not for sale but can take on commissions through the gallery.

Anne is our Front of House Manager and specialist Framing Consultant.
