Fabian Brown



Born in



Alice Springs

Lives in


Japaljarri, Jambin, Ampetyane


Warlpiri, Warumungu

Fabian Brown was born in Alice Springs. He grew up in Ali Curing and has both Warumungu and Walpiri family connections. He started sketching at a young age when he was inspired by his elder brother, who was also a talented painter. Brown is very passionate about his art and draws from various imagery and influences from his life and travels. Educated in Ali Curung and Adelaide, Brown has travelled to various Australian cities and towns but holds his country and culture dearest of all. He is the leader of the Tennant Creek men’s painters and his work, while constantly exploring new artistic mediums, references both traditional and modern narratives and his own international iconographies. He is a great mentor to younger artists in the Brio; often he collaborates with them to produce work that speaks across generations.
