Julie Vinci

Melbourne (Naarm)

Julie is a multi-disciplinary artist, whose practice is concerned with female representation and the fabricated role playing therein that forms the foundations for what is construed as a respectable functioning society.

After completing a Masters of Contemporary Art in 2019, Julie’s practice has reflected a sort of unshackling from these roles and through her new work is exploring the mechanisms for building new social structures. Her work, often with a filter of humour, continues to address the serious concerns of female rights.

Using photography, sculpture, painting and textiles, Julie examines the politicised space of the female body, utilising her own lived experiences as reference.  

Julie has held solo and group exhibitions at, Sarah Scout Presents, Westspace, Centre for Contemporary Photography, TCB ART Inc., Bundoora Homestead, Counihan Gallery, Craft Victoria and participated in Notfair Art Fair, Fringe and Next Wave Festivals.  

Julie was awarded the winner of the No Contest Art Prize and was a finalist in The Naked & Nude, Tatiara and Gosford Art Prizes.
