Louise Forthun



Born in



Port Macquarie, NSW

Lives in




Louise Forthun was born in Port Macquarie, New South Wales, in 1959, and lives and works in Melbourne. She has been working as an artist and exhibiting regularly since 1985, holding over 20 solo exhibitions in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, and has been included in many curated exhibitions. Her work is represented in many collections including the National Gallery of Australia, the National Gallery of Victoria, GOMA Queensland, Ballarat Art Gallery, Benalla Art Gallery, Bendigo Art Gallery and Parliament House Canberra, Artbank, Monash, Queensland, Deakin andLatrobe Universities, the City of Melbourne, the Museum of Brisbane and Heide MOMA. Forthun is also represented in private collections in Australia and internationally. She has been the recipient of two Australia Council residencies,the Tokyo Studio in 1992 and the British School of Rome residency in 2005. Louise Forthun is represented by Charles Nodrum Gallery.
