Uma Christensen


This body ofwork expands on a poem I wrote, which grieved and celebrated a friend whopassed earlier this year. In the transition of letting go, I held on to thecolour yellow, which became an inquiry point for me to explore themes of decayand vitality. In the process of making these works, I reflected on our memoriestogether, continuing our conversations through art-making. These works arededicated to Jennifer Tanner, a caring, creative, gentle, guiding force in mylife.

UmaChristensen is an emerging artist working in Naarm (Melbourne). She haspreviously completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Painting) at RMIT. Uma’s subjectmatter focuses on ideas of nature and culture iterated through multi-mediaforms; textiles, natural dyes, painting and video. Her work often attempts todemonstrate the entanglement between human and non-human species. Drawinginspiration from her bodily embedment in the ecological/plant world, evoking asense of uncanny and intimacy in her works.
