Prints and Paper

Ninuku Arts

4 May




27 May


Ninuku Arts is a wholly Indigenous owned and governed Art Centre which supports artists from two communities – Pipalyatjara and Kalka. Each have populations of around 100-150 Anangu and the majority are Pitjantjatjara speakers – Anangu simply means ‘people’ in Pitjantjatjara. Both communities are located in the far north- western corner of South Australia near the tri-state border of SA, WA and NT.

Ninuku Artists are well known for their bold acrylic paintings representing each artists’ country and Tjukurpa (ancestral story). Over the last 10 years however, they have participated in a number of print workshops at the Art Centre. Print makers from the Australian Print Workshop and Basil Hall Editions have each visited Kalka to teach and support artists in translating their stories into new media.

Chapman and Bailey are proud to present a collection of prints and works on paper by Ninuku Arts’ most senior artists. Works include multi-colored silkscreen prints by Monica Watson, Tjulkiwa Atira Atira and newly printed etchings from Harry Tjutjuna – Ninuku Arts most celebrated senior artist. Also included in the show are hard-ground etchings by nyanu Watson and Nola Brumby, lino cut prints created for the 2010 Darwin Art Fair and a series of previously unseen inks on paper by Sandy Brumby.

Installation View

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Artist Profile/s

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