Crossing Country: from Desert to Coast

Group Show

1 Jul




29 Jul


Chapman and Bailey is pleased to present an exhibition of works from a number of celebrated Indigenous artists from the Northern Territory, Western Australia and South Australia. From the desert Art Centres of Tjarlirli Arts, Papunya Tjupi, Kaltitji Arts, Warakurna Arts, Martumilli and Warlakurlangu  Artists to Maningrida Arts and Culture in the heart of Arnhem Land, Crossing Country: from Desert to Coast is a collection of acrylic works on canvas and carved Mimih and Yawkyawk spirit figures.

Exhibiting artists from:

Papunya Tjupi Arts
Maningrida Arts and Culture

Martumili Artists

Kayili Artists

Kaltjiti Arts

Tjarlirli Art

Warlukurlangu Artists

Installation View

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Artist Profile/s

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