MAZE Paintings

Petra Kleinherne

5 Aug




26 Aug


This August, Chapman and Bailey is pleased to present Petra Kleinherne MAZE Paintings. Petra has returned to exhibit a new body of work in her second solo show at 350 Johnston St since her first exhibition Imagined Landscapes/ Lost Figures in 2013.

Petra Kleinherne’s paintings occupy a liminal space between figuration and abstraction – where the things of the world transition into delicately balanced forms and brushstrokes. They hint at discernible scenes while carrying the viewer into the fluid and expressive potentialities of paint on canvas. Through a poetic appreciation of colour, movement and composition her paintings invite the viewer into environments that are subtly conceived through intense studio practice. Drawing on aspects of German Expressionism and Neo-Expressionism, Kleinherne has developed her own language that reflects her experiences in both Australia and Europe, and unfold over time into highly satisfying images.

Please join us for the exhibition opening on  5 August 2017 2 – 4pm at Chapman & Bailey Gallery, 350 Johnston Street.

Introductory words by curator and arts writer Dr. Damian Smith.

Dr Damian Smith is a curator, academic and arts writer based in Melbourne, Australia. He is the Director of Words For Art and is currently working on projects for the 2018 Bienal de la Habana, Cuba and in the remote Pilbara region of Western Australia.

Download the catalogue essay by Dr. Damian Smith here

Installation View

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